Peppa and George are helping Grandpa Pig in his garden.
What a beautiful butterfly.
爷爷 为什么蝴蝶会喜欢花朵呢
Grandpa. Why do butterflies like flowers?
They get their food from flowers.
They have very long tongues.
Longer than mine?
哦是的 蝴蝶的口器可比你的舌头长多了 它用口器来吸食花朵中的花蜜
Oh yes. The butterfly's tongue is even longer than yours. She uses it to drink from the flower.
佩奇 蝴蝶以为你是一朵花
Peppa. The butterfly thinks you're a flower.
我不是一朵花 我是小猪佩奇
I'm not a flower. I'm Peppa Pig.
它真的好漂亮 我想做一只蝴蝶
She is so pretty. I want to be a butterfly.
Peppa is playing at being a butterfly.
I'm a little butterfly.
George wants to play, too.
乔治 我才是蝴蝶 你去扮演别的东西吧 有了 你可以做一条小虫
George. I'm the butterfly. You have to be something else. I know. You can be a wriggly worm.
看啊 我是一只蝴蝶
Look! Look! I'm a butterfly.
哦糟糕 乔治不想要做一只小虫 他也想要做蝴蝶
Oh dear. George does not want to be a worm. He wants to be a butterfly.
乔治 当我还是只小猪的时候 我就特别喜欢假扮成一条小虫 做小虫很简单的 我来教你怎么做
George. When I was a little piggy, I used to like playing at being a worm. It's very easy to be a worm.I'll show you how.
首先 你要像这样趴下 趴在地上 然后 你要全身摆动起来 我是一条小虫
First, you have to lie down on the ground.Then, you wriggle around. I'm a wriggly worm.
George and Grandpa Pig are having such fun being wriggly worms.
我是一只小蝴蝶 看 我是一只小蝴蝶
I'm a little butterfly. Look. I'm a little butterfly.
是的佩奇 你是一只美丽的蝴蝶
Yes, Peppa, you're a beautiful butterfly.
爷爷 乔治 你们在干什么
Grandpa, George. What are you doing?
We are wriggly worms.
我也想假扮成一条小虫 我是一条小虫
I want to be a wriggly worm, too. I'm a wriggly worm~
太好玩了 你们现在还想假扮成什么动物
That was fun. What animal do you want to be now?
嗯 我不知道 看 爷爷 这儿有只青蛙
Hmm! I don't know. Look. Grandpa. There's a little frog.
Why don't you play at being frogs?
可是青蛙没有蝴蝶那么漂亮 也不能像小虫那样扭动
Hmm, frogs are not as pretty as butterflies, or as wriggly as worms.
But frogs do play a game you like.
Hmmm... do frogs play dolls' houses?
可爱的佩奇 你最喜欢的游戏是什么
Silly Peppa. What's your favorite game?
Jumping in muddy puddles.
是的 青蛙也喜欢在泥坑里面跳
Yes!Frogs love jumping in muddy puddles.
是的乔治 我们来加班青蛙吧 我是一只小青蛙
Yes, George. Let's play frogs. I'm a little froggy.
青蛙们找到了一个大泥坑来玩 佩奇和乔治喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去 大家都喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去
The froggies have found a nice big puddle to play in.Peppa and George love jumping up and down in muddy puddles.Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
蝴蝶和小虫都非常好 但是我最喜欢青蛙
Butterflies and worms are very nice. But I like frogs the best.
Look! Look! I'm a butterfly.
Oh dear. George don't want to be a worm. He want to be a butterfly.